Notrium, Free Indie RPG PC Game

Crash landing on the unforgiving planet of Notrium is about as fun as it sounds. That isn't to say that Notrium isn't a good game or that you won't enjoy it. It is and you probably will, what I mean to say by that is that Notrium does not pity the fool – it kills the fool fairly quickly. I played the game on the easiest setting and after just a few minutes of braving cold rain and punching what appeared to be the last remaining human into non existence, I found that I had lost the game.


Enviro-Bear 2000 Free PC Game

Enviro-Bear 2000 is a driving based game with a difference, the difference being that the driver is a one-armed bear who can only operate the gear stick, accelerator, brake and steering wheel one at a time and whose sole aim in life is to pilot the car into shallow rivers teaming with fish in order to eat the fish and survive the winter hibernation. Oh, and there are also berries.

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Aurora, Free Universe Simulation Game

Fans of simulation games and people with God complexes will particularly enjoy Aurora alpha, a universe simulation game. Start with nothing but a sun and a particularly dense asteriod belt and end up with a universe one can be proud of.

The aim of Aurora is to create a universe teaming with life. Out of dead asteroid fields one creates planets by clicking and holding the left mouse button, which creates a gravity well. When asteroids collide, the energy released in their collision creates bigger planets... and new life.


Rebuild, Free Zombie Strategy Game

Every zombie game out there deals with repelling the horde. But what happens after the main wave of the horde has passed? What happens when humanity's last survivors have barricaded themselves into a few safe locations? Rebuild is the game that seeks to answer that question.


Dungeon Developer, Free Dungeon Crawler Game

Dungeon Developer seems like a typical dungeon crawler game. There are adventurers with various skills, there are mobs that must be destroyed and there is a boss at the final level. Yawn, right? Wrong. There is a twist to this game, a twist that will make you sympathetic to every game you ever play, for in Dungeon Developer, you play as the dungeon.


Goblin War Machine, Free Online Game

Goblin War Machine is a side scrolling action extravaganza in which you design your own goblin war machine and wreak vengeance on the humans who happen to get in your way.

'Oh great,' you might say boredly. 'Another shoot and crush game, when will this trend ever end?'

To you I would say, "Buck up, sonny! Stop mistaking pessimism for intellect and have some fun!"


Ren & Stimpy's Crazy Cannon Free Online Game

Ren & Stimpy are much loved cartoon characters known for their intrepid attitudes, their can do outlook on life and their total disregard for life and limb. When you play Ren & Stimpy's Crazy Cannon game, you'll get to make Ren fire Stimpy out of a cannon.